Head Girl

Teia Kahura


Kia ora koutou, Ko Te arawa te waka, ko Tongariro te maunga, ko Taupo-Nui-A-Tia te moana, ko Ngati Tuwharetoa te iwi, ko Poukura te marae, ko Teia Kahura toku ingoa.

I am very honoured and humbled to serve as Head Girl for 2021. I am grateful to not only have this role but am beyond excited to be working alongside a team of staff and students, including six Deputy Head Girls, Nichola Li, Tarifa Laban, Kahurangi Ngatai, Maia Flint, Ashlen Kaur, Charlotte Webb and our awesome team of prefects.

Since I arrived at TGC in Year 9, this school has helped me grow into the confident and motivated person I am today. The caring and supportive environment, alongside all of the amazing girls that we have here, has enabled me to start realising and pursuing my passions. I am proud of our kura and to have the opportunity to lead and represent our TGC community. I hope to be a positive role model for younger girls and to nurture, inspire and empower others.

My vision for our kura is to make TGC a turangawaewae for all. That means further creating an empowering environment where every student feels like they belong. I believe in doing so, every girl feels confident to give everything a go, thus realising and pursuing their own individual passions.

Kia Tu, Kia Whakatipu, Kia Manawanui.
A place to stand, a place to grow, a place to belong.
Mauri ora!

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Deputy Head Girl - Cultural Diversity
Kahurangi Ngatai


E ngā manu taupua, koutou i topa iho mai i te tīkokekoketanga o te rangi, tēnā koutou katoa. Tū ana ahau ki runga i te tihi o tōku maunga o Mauao, heke whakararo ki te moana o Te Awanui e pari mai ana ki te moutere o Matakana, ko tōku tūrangawaewae. He uri ahau nō Te Rangihouhiri me te iwi o Ngai te rangi.

Kia ora, my name is Kahurangi Ngatai and I am blessed and humbled to be the Deputy Head Girl of Cultural Diversity for Tauranga Girls’ College in 2021.

I am super excited to be working alongside these amazing wāhine to further strengthen the many cultures already existing in our kura. Together with Cheynes Kuka and Te Paea Waetford as our Kaupapa Māori prefects, Kalolaine Afu our Pasifika Perspective prefect and our International Students prefects; Kiki Maasberg and Gabriella Lee, we look forward to seeing students thrive in their unique identities.

My vision this year is to promote whakawhanaungatanga. My hope is for each student to feel comfortable enough to express themselves and their culture, and to develop a sense of belonging as a member of our TGC whānau. Through learning and understanding of not only themselves but also others, our kura will be enriched in such cultural diversity.

Nō reira, anei he whakataukī e tautoko ana i ōku whakaaro - “Ko te ahurei o te tauira, arahia o tātou mahi” - “Let the uniqueness of the student guide our work”, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Meet my team

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Deputy Head Girl - School Spirit

Maia Flint


Kia ora tatou, Ko Mauao te maunga, ko Tauranga te moana, ko Ngai Tahu toku iwi, no Tauranga ahau. Ko Flint toku whanau, ko Maia toku ingoa.

The house events here at TGC play a huge role in bringing our girls together beyond the classroom and I have always enjoyed the socially competitive nature of them. In my four years here at TGC I have watched traditional house events like athletics and swimming sports adapt to fit our school’s evolving personality, and it is my absolute privilege to lead this year's team of house spirit prefects as Deputy Head Girl of School Spirit.

2021 is going to be a super exciting year in house spirit with the introduction of three new houses thanks to the hard work of Year 12 students Annabel Robinson and Maynoor Quadri last year. These new houses will be captained by 10 amazing students and I’m so lucky to be working with such a passionate and diverse group of girls. Our house spirit leaders for 2021 are: Eleanor Gilbert and Monique Turner in Sheppard House; Kiara Adolf and Helen Cooke in Batten House; Shannon Clampett and Hayley Dawson in Mansfield House; Kate Fitzpatrick and Macy Hill in Te Auetu House and Alysha Gill and Taylah Pratt in Whina House.

My team and I are looking forward to an awesome year, jam packed with house spirit events new and old!

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Meet my team

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Deputy Head Girl - Arts

Nichola Li


Ko Tai Te Maunga, Ko Huang Te Awa, Nō Tauranga Ahau, Ko Li Tōku Whānau, Ko Nichola Tōku Ingoa.

I am honoured to receive the role of Deputy Head Girl of Arts at TGC for 2021. I have received the greatest pleasure of working with our amazing Arts Committee, including the Performing Arts Prefects, Hannah Richardson and Grace Gill, as well as the Visual Arts Prefects, Shasha Baker and Sophie Brown.

From photography to music to dance to painting, everything is a form of art. Creating something without words, something that speaks to people. Art is a language of its own. We see art every day, but how we perceive it is different. For me, art has always played some part in my life. It has given me endless opportunities for exploring my culture and heritage. This has given me a passion for the arts and a vision for our school in 2021, that is to make the arts more inclusive and meaningful through diverse approaches and to support imagination and empathy through art. And it is with this aspiration that I hope to make a reality with the Prefect team of 2021.

Nō reira tēnā rā koutou katoa.

Meet my team

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Deputy Head Girl - Learning
Ashlen Kaur


Hello, sat shri akal, kia ora koutou! Ko Mauao te maunga, ko Sat-looj te awa, nō Punjab ahau, ko Kaur tōku whānau, ko Ashlen tōku ingoa.

I have the privilege of being the Deputy Head Girl of Learning at TGC in 2021. I am especially excited to be working alongside an incredible team which consists of Lola Vahey Bourne, Emily Trask and Hannah Taniwha who are the Student Wellbeing prefects; Leah Bentz and Catherine Bircumshaw who are the Community prefects; and Lia Chalmers and Mahnoor Qadri who are the Kaitiakitanga prefects.

I have been at TGC since Year 9 and found a strong sense of belonging here. I can always be seen taking up various opportunities and getting involved with all sorts of activities and groups such as SADD, Leo club, badminton, Model United Nations, biology olympiad, international committee, among many other things. It is an incredible honour to be serving TGC and giving back to the community by encouraging students to make the most of all opportunities and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and can excel in their learning. I look forward to making a positive difference in our kura.

Nō reira tēnā rā koutou katoa.

Meet my team

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Deputy Head Girl - Sport
Charlotte Webb


Kia ora tātou, Ko Mauao te maunga, Ko Kaituna te awa, Nō Tauranga - Moana ahau, Ko Webb tōku whānau, Ko Charlotte tōku ingoa.

My name is Charlotte Webb and I have both the privilege and honor of being the 2021 Deputy Head Girl of Sport at Tauranga Girls’ College. My vision is to consistently lead with inclusion, excellence and perseverance whilst taking the kind of risks that enable us as young wāhine to grow.

This year, I am extremely excited to be working alongside some incredible girls, the Sports Prefects: Ella Lankshear and Sarah-Jane Stone for Athlete Development and Bethan Atkins and Natalie Gander for Social Engagement. I am inspired by these wāhine and can not wait to see how we can bring new collaborative ideas to life.

Personally, I am extremely passionate about Sport and have been since I arrived at TGC. From racing at Swimming Sports to finding my love for Underwater Hockey, TGC has it all. We pride ourselves on having a multitude of sporting opportunities for both competitive and social athletes and I strongly encourage all students to give a sport a go. You might realise, like I did with Underwater Hockey, that you really love it. Throughout the year, we host many school wide sporting events and I hope to inspire you to demonstrate our three school values of Respect, Participation and Pride and get amongst it. Have fun and make memories.

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Meet my team

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Deputy Head Girl - Communications and Publicity

Tarifa Laban


Kia ora tātou, ko Puketepāpa te maunga, ko Manukau te awa, nō Tamaki Makau-rau ahau, ko Laban tōku whānau, ko Tarifa tōku ingoa.

Talofa lava.

I am immensely grateful and excited to be your Deputy Head Girl of Communications and Publicity for 2021. I’m looking forward to embarking on this year alongside each and everyone of you as we ensure that Tauranga Girls’ College is ‘The School of Choice for Girls’. I’m fortunate enough to have a team of prefects beside me and together, we will be in search of opportunities to involve communications in every field, to the best of our ability. This year the Communications and Publicity prefects are Gemma Gilmore, Olivia Banfield, Avery Moore, Brooke Poutawera, Annabel Robinson and Ciara Slater, and the Media and Publication prefects are Scout Atkins and Brodie Banfield. In addition, Ella Mitchell, Year 12 is also a member of our team, Ella is TGC’s Board of Trustee’s Representative for 2021.

Through the foundations of our values; pride, participation and respect, we will continue to build up the supportive and compassionate environment we have created within our school. Fostering whanaungatanga and embracing diversity within our kura will see all of our wāhine find their place of belonging at TGC. Through consistent and regular communications we will share our stories of success that bring to life these values. The communications team will make sure you have all the information you need to get the most out of 2021 at TGC.

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Faafetai Lava.

Meet my team


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