2024 Leaders
Head Prefect
Ansh Dhot

Kia ora koutou katoa
Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te Moana
No Tauranga moana ahau
Ko Dhot toku whānau
Ko Ansh toku ingoa
What a privilege it is to serve as Head Prefect for a community so diverse, inspiring and welcoming. My time at kura has been abundant with opportunities, music, laughter, connection, and whanaungatanga. This year, my goal is to create an environment where students from diverse backgrounds feel as though they not only fit in, but belong. Luckily, I have a brilliant team of like minded Wahine to work towards this goal alongside me. These are the seven Deputy Head Prefects who make up the 2024 Kaitiakiāwhina: Ella Hill, Grace Billinghurst, Niamh Manning, Kiarni Sperling, Kavaana Thompson, Lute Takau, and Taimana Randall.
My motto this year is “make your five-year-old self smile” with the intention of empowering our learners to make a positive impact that is special to them and also remain true to their own uniqueness. At Tauranga Girls’ College, we strive for every student to see Kura as more than just a school - it’s a home, a whānau, a place they feel proud to belong to. To achieve this, I hope to cultivate a strong sense of whanaungatanga by constantly asking the question: What makes you smile?
At Tauranga Girls’ College I have been able to shape my identity as a leader. To devise principles that influence the way we lead at kura. Allow me to introduce myself, not through a geographical lens, but as a young leader.
Ko Māhaki te maunga
Ko Māia te awa Ko Hononga toku iwi
Ko Manahau toku waka
Ko Aroha toku kainga
NÅ Te Manawa te ahau
Humility is my mountain
Courage is my river
Connections are my tribe
Resilience is my canoe
Empathy and love is my home
The heart is my birthplace
NÅ reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Deputy HP - Learning
Ella Hill

Kia Ora
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Wairua te awa
No Tauranga Moana ahau
Ko Hill toku whānau
Ko Ella toku ingoa
Kia Ora, my name is Ella Hill and I’m super excited to be your Deputy Head Prefect of Learning this year, working alongside six awesome learning prefects; , Niamh Ryan, Erina Islam, Sophie McKinnon Giselle Li, EllieWhite and Lucy Armstrong! Together, we hope to provide learning opportunities that empower TGC learners to make a positive impact.
I look forward to promoting an environment where all of our amazing ākonga can excel, and encourage everyone to make the most of all of the amazing opportunities Tauranga Girls’ College has to offer. Let 2024 be the year where you embrace learning to the fullest, and remember, the whole TGC whānau will be there to support and cheer you on throughout the year!
So let's all be brave, take a step outside of our comfort zones and get involved within the kura this year, after all, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Deputy HP - Sports
Niamh Manning

Kia Ora Tatou
Ko Wicklow te maunga
Ko Liffey te awa
Ko Howth te moana
Ko Manning toku whānau
Ko Niamh toku ingoa
My name is Niamh Manning and I’m absolutely thrilled to have the privilege to be your Deputy Head Prefect of Sport for 2024, working alongside the incredible Kaitiakiāwhina and my four fabulous sports prefects Prachi Patel, Tess Pateman, Arianna Roberts and Hannah Ross-Evans. My vision for our kura within the sporting realm this year is to encourage participation. As I have found over my time here, by taking part and getting involved, you not only enjoy yourself but grow in confidence and meet other like-minded people.
Over the course of my years at TGC, I have taken part in a huge range of different sports from badminton to triathlon to indoor bowls, and have finally settled on surf life saving and swimming. Through trying so many different sports with varying degrees of success, I’ve learnt the importance of working in a team, leading by example, and communicating with others, and my mission for this year is to encourage all our akÅnga to do the same with the support of our Social Engagement committee.
Through mahi tahi comes enjoyment, and through enjoyment comes success, which leads into the second part of my mission, which is to further support our existing athletes to continue enjoying and achieving in their chosen sports with the support of our Athlete Development committee.
I hope that this is the year you find the courage to try something new, to step outside of your comfort zone and take advantage of some of the many sports we offer here at TGC. The decision to be brave and try is always the hardest part.
Deputy HP - Arts
Grace Billinghurst

Kia ora Tatou
Ko mauao te manga
Ko Manukau te awa
No Tauranga-Moana Ahau
Ko Billinghurst toku whānau
Ko Grace toku Ingoa
My name is Grace Billinghurst to have the privilege of being the Deputy Head Prefect of Arts at Tauranga Girls’ College for the year 2024 Throughout my journey at Tauranga Girls’ College, the realm of arts has not only been my safe place but also my passion. It is with great enthusiasm that I embrace this opportunity to represent the artistic talents within our Kura as part of the student leadership team.
Throughout my five years of being a student at TGC, the Arts have shaped me into who I am today. I have found a second family in the least likely of places, whether it was within the Drama, Art, Textiles or Music department I was welcomed in with open arms. They were able to teach me the value of the Arts and the happiness it can bring.
This year, my mission is simple: to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones and immerse themselves fully in the world of creativity. If you're a seasoned artist or just beginning to explore your talents, there is a place for you here—a space where we can all grow, learn, and inspire one another. By fostering an environment where students are encouraged to not only celebrate their own achievements but also uplift and support their peers, we can forge bonds that transcend individual accomplishments.
Tauranga Girls’ College is a treasure trove of hidden potential, waiting to be discovered and unleashed. It is my hope to see a multitude of students embracing their passions, and unlocking their full potential. This year I encourage you to embrace the unknown, challenge yourself, and celebrate the beauty of artistic expression together. Together, we will create a vibrant community where everyone feels empowered to unleash their creativity and reach new heights. Let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and friendship, as we strive to make 2024 a year of unparalleled growth and fulfillment for all.
Deputy HP - Te Ao Māori
Kavaana Thompson

Papaki tu ana nga tai ki Mauao
I whakanukunukuhia
I whakanekenekehia
I whiua reretia e hotu
A wahinerua ki te wai
Ki tai wiwi
Ki tai wawa
Ki te whaiao, ki te ao marama
Tihei Mauriora!
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngai te Rangi te iwi
Ko Ngati Tapu te hapu
Ko Waikari te marae
Ko Kavaana Thompson ahau
Kia ora tatou katoa, my name is Kavaana Thompson he uri au no Ngai te Rangi, Ngati Awa, Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngati Porou. This year I have the most absolute privilege of being the 2024 Deputy Head Prefect of Te Ao Māori at Tauranga Girls’ College. I have the opportunity to showcase our beautiful Māoritanga within our kura. This year I will be working alongside Pia Ririnui, Zharna Reiri and Atiria Motutere. I am grateful to have such a supportive team and I will be sure to put their input into action.
My goal for this year is simple, it is to showcase our beautiful Māori culture in amongst our kura and to get our mana māori wahine out of their comfort zone and get amongst all the kaupapa that are displayed within our kura.
Deputy HP - Diversity
Lute Takau

Malo e lelei ko hoku hingoa ko Lute takau pea ʻoku ou haʻu mei Tonga. ʻOku ou haʻu mei he ngaahi kolo, haapai mo e kolonga.
Malo e lelei, my name is Lute Takau and I come from the beautiful island of Tonga. I come from the villages, Ha’apai and Kolonga. This year I have the absolute privilege of being the Deputy Head Prefect of cultural diversity for 2024 at Tauranga Girls’ College.
Being in this role with an amazing kaitiakiāwhina team of empowered women! I have the opportunity to thrive for diversity in our kura. Throughout this year I will also be working alongside a diverse team which includes our International prefects, Hyeonchae Kim and Jennifer Vega, our school wide prefects, Avah Smith and Sophie Bond, and our Pasifika prefect, Myah Ioane. I am blessed to have such a support and diverse team, in which I will inherit each aspect and vision, to be put into action.
My vision for our kura this year is to build an environment where the foundation of our kura is made up of a diverse group of empowering women. I want to ensure that each wahine in our kura has the ability to feel confident and embrace themselves, using their voice and actions to create a positive change to our kura.
As a kura full of intelligent wahine, I believe our goals and aspects can be achieved through working as one. Allowing all voices to be heard we are able to create a diverse kura, where we accept all thoughts and ideas.
As a proud Pasifika wahine, I strive to ensure that we embrace our culture and traditions. All wahine should embrace their cultural selves and feel comfortable of where they come from in our kura.
The cultural environment at Tauranga Girls’ College allows me to open doors and feel accepted and safe, where neglect and conflict does not exist. I am able to share my cultural traditions and natural appearance, where I inspire our wahine to do the same.
I strongly encourage all wahine in our kura to embrace who you are and indulge the diverse cultures that appear amongst our kura.
Deputy HP - Communications & Publicity
Kiarni Sperling

Tena koutou katoa
Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Rangitīkei te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te iwi
Ko Sperling tōku whānau
Ko Kiarni tōku ingoa
TÄ“nā tātou katoa
My name is Kiarni Sperling, and this year, I’m beyond grateful to serve as the Deputy Head Prefect of Communications and Publicity at Tauranga Girls’ College for 2024.
My journey at TGC has been wholly transformative. It has blessed me with a mosaic of unique experiences and meaningful connections that have deepened my love and respect for this kura. Yet it has also provided me with a radiant environment to forge the path I wish to follow. And it’s this environment - which encourages development through its endless opportunities - that has taught me the importance of curiosity.
Whether it be joining the debating club, participating in committees, or stepping into the role of deputy head prefect, each experience has fueled my inquisitiveness. I strongly believe that the rangatahi within TGC and our surrounding communities would highly benefit from this passion for trying new things and acquiring fresh knowledge - both through formal education and personal endeavours. Thus, this year, I am committed to igniting the flame of curiosity for them, alongside my remarkable Comms prefects; Lilly Pullar, Layla Hoskin, Jin Lee, Gayathri Dinesh, Tori Hill and our Board of Trustees Student Representative, Anjali Pillay.
In my role, I’m privileged to have the essential responsibility of ensuring our students are aware of the extensive range of opportunities available to them. Yet by going beyond the conventional approach of updating a social media story, I aim to inspire students to fall back into their natural sense of wonder in their surroundings, thereby encouraging them to ignite the flame of curiosity in the world for themselves, so that they also can share their light with others too.
Deputy HP - School Spirit
Taimana Randall

Ko Hirakimata, Ko Te Tārai o Rahiri ngā maunga
Ko Ngātiwai, Ko Ngāpuhi ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Rehua, ko Ngāti Toki, ko Ngāti Horohia ngā hapū
Ko Taimana tāku ingoa
Kia Ora All, I’m Taimana Randall and I am your Deputy Head Prefect of School Spirit for 2024!
Now, not to sound cheesy, but to those who have just started their high school years, those who are in their last year or those stuck in the middle, you only live once, or YOLO. I recall being in your shoes wondering how I can make my schooling years here at TGC even more fascinating or pleasant and enhance my learning, and YOLO as corny as it sounds has been something that has helped me pursue that.
Getting involved has been proven to enhance your hauora, self-esteem and overall happiness.This is what I believe is the best way to enjoy your schooling years, make new core memories and friendships with one another. With the opportunities this kura holds, the world is your oyster, and I encourage you to use this to your advantage and have a blast. There are so many house events and competitions which cover a range of activities for all to get involved in, from ‘Decorate Your Door’ to Athletics to Haka and Waiata Competitions, to the new and improved ‘Dancing with the Staff!’ These events are an excellent chance for our kura to get involved in order to gain points for their house while enjoying some friendly competition. Everyone is hungry to win and/or keep their title! WHOS GONNA WIN?!
On another note, as school goes on and it progressively gets harder to focus and stay on track, if you are ever in need of a hug, a smile, homework help or even some encouragement to get yourself out of your comfort zone, I am always here! You only live once y’all so make it worthwhile.