Code of Conduct

Tauranga Girls’ College Sports
Player Code of Conduct

Good sport is about positive Attitude. Play your part –play fair. To the best of my ability, I will:

  • Play by the rules
  • Turn up to practice
  • Turn up to games/tournaments
  • Notify the Coach/es or Manager/s if I will not be at practice or games
  • Never argue with an Official
  • Never argue with the Coach/es, Manager/s
  • Not put anyone down or bullying
  • Be respectful at all times to Coach/es, Manager/s, Parents/Other Teams
  • Be respectful towards my team members
  • Not to consume alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
  • Not swear
  • Be on my best behaviour at all times
  • Not bring the school into disrepute
  • Represent the school to the best of my ability
  • Wear only TGC Uniform to sporting events, ie no mufti.

I have read the Players Code of Conduct and understand that I must abide by this code at all times. I agree that if I breach any of the rules in the Code of Conduct that I will be stood down from a game. I agree that if I continue to breach the rules in the Code of Conduct that I may be removed from the team.

Our school values of Manaakitanga (Respect), Mahi Tahi (Participation) and Mana Motuhake (Pride) should be demonstrated at all times. Those caught being bystanders or infringing our standards can expect consequences. We encourage and support positive role modelling at all times.

Name: ________________________________ Whanau Class________________________________

Signed: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________


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