Instrumental and Vocal Lessons
Enrolment Contract 2024


Students Name *
Whanau room (eg B1) *
Students mobile phone number *
Students email address *
Caregivers Name and contact *
Caregivers Email address *
Which instrument/s would you like to learn? If you would like to learn more than one, choose them in order of preference. (FIRST) *
Choose your SECOND choice of instrument
Choose your THIRD choice of instrument
Have you learned to play an instrument before? *
If you wrote yes to the last question please list which instruments you have learnt and for how long?
Can you read music? *
If you have requested to learn piano (not beginners keyboard) or singing, does your caregiver agree to pay up to $37.00 per week for lessons? *
Are you enrolled in any of the following classes? *
Are you planning on enrolling in any of the following music activities? *
Do you have an instrument to practice with at home? (Guitars, bass guitars drums, keyboards and pianos are available for your use at school. You DO NOT need to have one at home or rent one. You may use these instruments at your lessons and book a room *
Do you wish to rent an instrument from the school? *


Instrumental and Vocal Lessons Contract

I understand my responsibilities to the itinerant music tuition programme and agree to:

      • attend all scheduled lessons from February through to November unless I have a scheduled internal assessment or am absent from school for a valid reason ie. illness, bereavement. school trip
      • advise the College in advance or on the day if I am unable to attend a lesson for any reason. Your message needs to include the name of your itinerant teacher and the reason you will be absent. This can be done by
        - phoning the College Office and leaving a message for Miss Geor or
        - emailing [email protected]
      • rehearse the set music between lessons.
      • bring my instrument and music to each lesson.
      • catch up on any subject work that I miss whilst I am at my music lesson. 
      • leave and return to subject classes in a timely manner.


I understand that my lessons (and rental of a school instrument where applicable) may be terminated at the discretion of the Director of Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Music if I fail to meet these conditions.


I also understand that if my lessons are terminated I will not be entitled to a refund of the $20.00 course fee or the instrument rental fee (if applicable).


I agree not to undertake tuition from any other provider of instrumental tuition while I am enrolled in this course.